Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm super excited!

All have been confirmed, so far! Insha'Allah classes will commence on 15th February! What a coincidence, that date last year was the saddest date for me. Now, it's a total opposite . I'm excited beyond words! I have imagined myself attending classes and becoming a teacher, one fine day (Insha'Allah). As for now, just practising with my baby-cum-student Khairaldin hehehe. This is what I call satisfaction *beams*. Never knew I would be given this opportunity again since I missed it before (enrolling onto a wrong course). So, classes are on Mondays and Tuesdays. I don't think I'm diligent enough to manually pump when I'm in Uni! Thank god, my schedule is rather bearable. Monday is the only full day class; 10:30am to 3:30pm, Tuesday is from 10:30am to 12:30pm. I don't think there's a real necessity to pump, no? Praying hard for no engorgement! Hehehe

Iskandar will be starting his new semester on the same week as my freshies week. If his schedule's the same as current semester then we might have to go to uni together on Tuesdays! Hehehe So fun! Like dating all over again *blush*. I'll be glad if he doesn't have any classes on Monday though because I'd want him to spend quality and bonding time with Khairaldin. It's impossible for him to get bonding sessions when I'm around. Ever since Khairaldin was born, I can actually count with one hand the number of times Iskandar change, bathe or feed Khairaldin. I don't blame him at all coz it's me who's possessive and at the same time very OCD when it comes to my baby. I will always find fault with the way Iskandar puts on Khairaldin's diaper or clothes :| Iskandar's feeling rather offended whenever Khairaldin gets too clingy with me. Like this morning, Khairaldin was sleeping in between us and when I wake up for Subuh he actually pulled himself up to look for me, when he was actually in real deep slumber. Iskandar is trying to win Khairaldin's heart and I think this will be a great opportunity. But if he's got classes, then, I guess I have to start letting go... slowly! Hehehe

Oh, surprise surprise, today when I was BFing Khairaldin, suddenly my left side was leaking too! So I tried giving him, obviously he was giving me tantrums. Iskandar said to try a different position and surprisingly he latched on and sucked straight away. It's not that my boobies are empty, it's just the position! So now I know. :)

I end this by thanking Allah for giving us another chance to start our future! Here's to a fresh and great start of the new year! Amin.
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